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Showing posts with the label International Jobs

Remote Microjobs at home, Globally

  Disclaimer: The links posted may contain affiliate links. Where to earn money, by completing Micro-tasks? There are a couple of trustworthy sites, that I used to earn money, by completing micro-tasks. Some of them used UHRS which stands for Universal Human Relevant System. Some of them may require you to complete simple tasks, for individuals. There are some people that have made a living from these micro jobs sites because the exchange rate in their country may be higher. So to some, earning $5.00USD an hour would be economical or even  €5 per hour. These websites include: Microworker Clickworker RapidWorkers Picoworkers Quadrant Resource Hive Micro These are the sites that I have personally joined and used. Note: All of these are pretty much the same in terms of the type of jobs. Meaning they are all microtasks. Quadrant Resource and Clickworkers, both use UHRS. With UHRS, you can earn a small fee per HITS, but the good thing is, each HIT takes about 30 seconds to complete, so th

Where to Find Active Remote Jobs?

Disclaimer: The links provided MAY contain affiliate links. Notice: This post would be updated when new websites become available. What Online Job Boards contain Remote jobs, Globally?   This is probably the easiest and hardest answer to get. A simple google search and some websites appear, but you realize that there are no selections for countries, such as those from the Philipines or India, as examples. Now there are websites where you can find what you are looking for, but you don't want to spend a long time searching for them. I want you to understand before I continue, that a lot of the jobs posted by these companies would require some experience. However, some do provide training for their employees or freelancers. Now, regardless you still would have to do a little searching on each website, for example, they may specify North America, or they may ask from anywhere or internationally., is a free job board that offers a variety of remote jobs. They have ma

Remote and Online Data Entry jobs

Disclaimer: The links posted may contain affiliate links Note: Post Will be updated when new sites are reviewed. Work At Home, Data Entry Work for Beginners. Are you looking for a remote data entry job? Do You lack experience? Are you willing to learn? Transcription Jobs Transcription is the process of converting speech audio to text. It is as simple as that, or so we might think. A lot of these transcription sites require you to be fluent in English or the language of your selection. Another thing, you have to be willing to learn. You cannot become a transcriber without learning how to become a transcriber.  The sites would provide you with training. They also require you to pass a basic English exam. Some have room for improvement or promotions.  Before I list them, I want you to be aware that the pay for these jobs is not very nice for individuals living in the US. I would recommend these jobs to people who live in countries where the exchange rate from USD to their local currency