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HoneyGain Passive Income

What is HoneyGain?

HoneyGain is an app that you, the user, would download on your phone and or desktop computer. The user would gain money by sharing their internet or data usage.

The more you use your devices, surfing the internet, or using apps that requires the internet or data, you will earn more.

The company sells your data, to other companies for the purpose of marketing.

Is HoneyGain safe?

Yes, it is safe as it does not sell your personal information. That was probably the biggest concern I had, before using this app. It does not affect the functionality of your computer or phone. I have been using the apps on my PC and phone and have not had any issues for the past 15 days. 

How much can  I earn using HoneyGain?

First off, when you download the app, you are given a free$5.00 bonus, if you used a referral code, which I would highly recommend. Your pay highly depends on your usage of the internet. If you barely use the internet, you would not make as much as compared to someone who uses the internet more often. Another variable would be the number of devices you have the app downloaded onto.

Another thing is, it is one account per household. So if you have 5 members in your household, and each member has a smartphone and a PC/Laptop, you can download the app on each device but remember, only one account. The good thing is, the more devices that are used, the more money you make, and the quicker you can request payment.

You can request payment when you have earned $20.00.

Their Preferred payment method is Tipalti, but you can receive your money through PayPal.

To sign up for HoneyGain please, CLICK HERE. The referral link is placed so you would gain an additional $5.00 bonus, if you choose to not use the referral link, you would not get the Bonus.



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